Written by: Alyce Mokrzycki, News Xtend Google has spoken. And it wants you to forget everything you know about the traditional marketing funnel. In the last six months, the search engine looked at thousands of users’ clickstream data from a third-party opt-in panel and found that no two consumer journeys are exactly alike. “Most journeys […]
Message from the CEO: 6 November 2018
Another week has come and gone in the retail world, and with it we are one week closer to Christmas 2018. In last week’s NRR we outlined five key areas that retailers of all shapes and sizes should pay close attention to in order to maximise Christmas sales. In the past we have also discussed […]
Message from the CEO – 14 August 2018
You have your accounting software. You have a HR system. You have stock control processes in place. You have the huge beast that is ‘marketing’, and the monster workload and management needed to support it. There is literally a bottomless pit of software you could implementing across all the aspects of the business, but smaller […]
What retailers need to know about free range egg laws
From April 26, egg producers, supermarkets and egg re-sellers must be sure that the labelling on all ‘free range’ eggs lives up to the new standards, applied under Australian Consumer Law (ACL). The new laws have been put in place to ensure egg labelling is transparent and shoppers are getting what they pay for. Do you […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Enter the National Retail Awards
By now you are aware the National Retail Awards portal is open for nominations, but you might still be contemplating whether to enter. Look no further – here are 5 reasons why you should enter the National Retail Awards! 1.Gain national recognition The National Retail Awards are Australia’s highest retail achievement. Experience national recognition and gain credibility […]
Using today’s Census data to improve your business
With the release of the 2016 Census data expected today, retailers have a significant opportunity to understand the new Australian consumer. Despite all of the controversy surrounding its collection, the 2016 Census is a treasure trove of valuable information on understanding who our population is today and how has it changed. Reports suggest that despite […]
9 benefits of using data to create loyalty
by Tim O’Grady, knowITall Loyalty Systems What is the one word that can make all the difference to a loyalty program’s success? Answer: Data…not data for the sake of it, rather data that leads to insights that are actioned for business acceleration. The following data sources gathered through a loyalty program and the combination of […]
When Digital Marketing goes bad
by Matt Forman, Traffika With one of the most important periods in retail underway we’re betting you have all your ducks in a row, right? If your marketing strategy isn’t already in full swing, it’s locked and loaded and ready to go. You’re overflowing with extra inventory geared up to satisfy the needs of frantic Christmas […]
Message from the CEO: 5 September 2016
Last week’s retail trade data may not have been the most high-profile activity performed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in recent months. That honour clearly went to the national Census. But in terms of outcomes, this exercise was almost as disappointing! The ABS reported that retail trade flatlined in July – in official terms, […]
Connecting with Click to Call
You could be missing out on new customer enquiries by choosing the incorrect button for your Google ads. Google and Ipsos recently surveyed 2,390 Australian smartphone users who used or purchased something within the past six months to determine how they think about and interact with mobile ads. They found that 66% of customers said […]
Exclusive customer experiences build loyalty
Generally speaking, retaining customers is always significantly cheaper than acquiring new ones. Marketing costs, advertising, time spent with sales staff and third party expenses all add up. Surprisingly nearly 50% of businesses focuses on attracting new customers vs. retaining existing customers. The customer experience in the retail industry is vitally important to both increasing your […]
Retail Doctor Group Fit for Business Breakfast
Richard Umbers, CEO of Myer will join Brian Walker, CEO & Founder of Retail Doctor Group for an exclusive discussion on the first year of the New Myer strategy and the future of retailing in Australia. As the retail sector gets disrupted by the likes of Amazon and Uber reshaping consumer expectations and behaviour, what […]
Customer-Centric Marketing & Measurement
One of the keys to any successful business is remaining focused on your customers. While this stretches from the actual products you sell to your bricks and mortar customer service and your digital user experience, why should it stop there? More and more smart digital marketers are shifting their focus from campaign-centric marketing and measurement […]
Impulse purchases increasing profits
Since the 1950’s, shoppers around the globe have succumbed to impulse buying and point of purchase displays. Impulse purchases can drastically increase your profits and shouldn’t simply be an afterthought. How do you get the most out of your impulse offerings? Choose the right products Draw attention with promotions Encourage purchases with strategic placement Use […]
Instagram Stories for business
Instagram’s new Snapchat inspired story telling feature lets followers view off the cuff or behind the scenes moments from your brand. Your ‘stories’ whether they be a photo or video have a shelf life of 24 hours and won’t taint your carefully curated Instagram feed. If you don’t use Snapchat why would you use Instagram […]
Engaging your audience through webinars
Webinars are not a new concept, however implementing them into your marketing plan could still be essential to building brand awareness and providing value for your current customers.Running a webinar offers you a chance to gain insights from your customers and target audience while delivering key messages and engaging content. So how do you start? […]
Onwards and upwards for the NRA’s Event’s Director
Many NRA members and indeed the wider industry will have had some dealings over the years with our energetic and bubbly Director of Events, Marketing + Partnerships, Carly Faragher. Carly has been an integral part of the NRA team, organising events such as our POD Summit and Young Retailer of the Year Awards, as well […]
Pokémon GO for business – how to attract new customers
If you haven’t heard about Pokémon GO, it’s possible you have been in quarantine for the past two weeks. The new augmented reality based App has quickly become the new obsession for kids and nostalgic adults everywhere. Users need to step outside and physically search for Pokémon, take aim and throw a Poké Ball in […]
Use Omnichannel Retailing to Increase Your Market Share
Black Fridays, personalised emails, and digital apps – fully three-quarters of retail sales growth occur through online channels, according to a 2015 report by pwc. As well as 8% of actual retail sales can be attributed to online mediums, mentioned in the same report. These form important reasons for retailers to a myriad of strategiesto […]