Fair Work Commission resolves ambiguity around casual penalty rates

casual penalty rates

You will recall at the beginning of this month the NRA had reported on the Fair Work Commission’s (FWC) decision to introduce additional penalties for casual employees under the General Retail Industry Award 2010 (the Retail Award). Last week, the National Retail Association (NRA) intervened in the matter and filed written submissions to the FWC […]

The nightmare before Christmas – new penalty rates from 1 November 2018

new penalty rates

By Calum Woods and Lindsay Carroll, NRA Legal From 1 November 2018, retailers will be required to pay a new evening penalty rate to casual employees for work performed after 6:00pm Monday – Friday. In a decision issued 27 September 2018, the Fair Work Commission (Commission) determined that the new penalty rate (which is similar […]

Legislative update: What you need to know from 1 July 2018

Fair Work Commission

Legislative update: What you need to know from 1 July 2018 By Victoria Hansen and Lindsay Carroll, NRA Legal Penalty rate cuts Following a Fair Work Commission decision handed down last year, Sunday penalty rates for employees covered by the General Retail Industry Award, the Fast Food Industry Award, the Hospitality Industry (General) Award and […]

Message from the CEO – 3 July 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Politicking over penalty rates again; plastic bag bans attracting the ire of ill-prepared supermarket shoppers across the nation; and Godfrey’s co-founder re-taking the reins at a sprightly 100 years old – it’s certainly been an interesting week in the retail sector! The Opposition Leader Bill Shorten this week made a call that would have sent […]

Fair Work Ombudsman’s Workplace Basics Campaign

The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) has recently consulted with the NRA regarding the first phase of the Workplace Basics Campaign, a national campaign focusing on small business employers and their compliance with fundamental workplace obligations. As part of this first phase, Fair Work Inspectors will be contacting around a thousand employers in multiple industries across […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 9 January 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Retailers naturally love a bustling store environment, but following 2017’s frenetic pre-Christmas rush and Boxing Day madness, on the back of what seemed like an entire year of uncertainty, it may be time for a little rest and reboot! 2017 certainly threw us a few curveballs – from the absurd politicisation of the penalty rates […]

Message from the CEO: 5 December 2017

After what seems like an eternity, the penalty rates issue flared again this week, after the Senate passed measures to reverse the decision of the independent umpire, the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to reduce Sunday and public holiday rates. Labor teamed up with the Greens and some crossbenchers to pass amendments to the Government’s bill, […]

Retailers to the Senate – “Stop moving the goalposts on penalty rates”

The National Retail Association has demanded the Senate stop moving the goalposts on employment, saying constant threats of disruption to Fair Work arrangements were a massive disincentive to employment. The Senate is scheduled to vote this week on Labor Party amendments which would knobble the independent umpire Labor set up to management workplace relations under […]

Message from the CEO: 17 October 2017

The reporting over the past week on the penalty rates case has been fascinating to say the least. In many ways, it has illustrated how deeply Australian’s misconceptions have been about the issue, but more importantly, how easy it has been for those with a vested interest to heighten those misconceptions to erode the country’s […]

Union challenge to penalty rates quashed

Retailers praise Federal Court for preserving independent umpire’s integrity, after union challenge to penalty rates quashed The National Retail Association (NRA) has this morning praised the Federal Court for rejecting the unions’ attempts to have the penalty rates ruling of the independent umpire, the Fair Work Commission (FWC), overruled. The Court has this morning handed […]

Message from the CEO: 3 October 2017

Two challenges to the penalty rates ruling brought by worker unions have now been heard in the Federal Court, with both cases heard together last week, in front of a full bench in Melbourne. After joining other employer and business groups including the Australian Industry Group, the Australian Hotels Association and the NSW Business Chamber […]

NRA are standing up for retail and fast food in the Penalty Rates Case

By Alex Millman and Justine Ansell, NRA Legal The union challenge to the Fair Work Commission’s decision to cut penalty rates in the retail, fast food and hospitality sectors wrapped up yesterday, with the Federal Court reserving its decision to be handed down at a later date. With five judges, approximately a dozen barristers, and […]

What to expect in the new financial year

By Alex Millman After a somewhat turbulent final month to the financial year, the time has come for all industries to take stock of what had been going on and what we can expect to see in industrial relations as we go into the new year. Here are just some of the events that you […]

Retail Figures Remain Steady According to ABS Stats for May

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) retail trade figures for May 2017 has shown a steady rise of 0.6% turnover, seasonally adjusted. NRA CEO Dominique Lamb said that while retail was experiencing a quiet period, the industry remains in steady shape and should continue to pick up following the introduction of reduced Sunday Penalty Rates. […]

Message from the CEO: 6 June 2017

The Fair Work Commission has made two important decisions affecting retailers in the last 24 hours, and it’s worth considering how commentators and elected officials respond to each one. The first issue, yesterday, was the Commission’s announcement on the timing of the adjustment of Sunday penalty rates. Your feedback to us has been that retailers […]

Decision on penalty rate transition period handed down

In February the Fair Work Commission announced its decision to reduce Sunday penalty rates in the Hospitality, Fast Food, Retail and Pharmacy awards. At 2pm today the Commission handed down its decision on how these changes will be implemented. Fast Food Industry Award 2010  Only Level 1 employees are affected by the Sunday penalty rates […]

Message from the CEO: 4 April 2017

It certainly has been an exciting year so far in workplace relations, and there are a number of items that cannot go unnoticed and should not go unnoticed by our membership. In the last sitting week of federal parliament for March 2017, the Senate voted to block the Fair Work Commission’s decision to reduce Sunday […]

Former VP of Fair Work Commission shares insight with retailers

Graeme Watson Dominique Lamb Troy Wild

This week saw the successful launch of the National Retail Association’s State of the Retail Nation forums, proudly sponsored by REST Industry Super. Retailers from across multiple sectors met to hear from industry professionals and to share insight at breakfast briefings in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney, plus an online webinar. NRA CEO Dominique Lamb led the […]

Message from the CEO: 27 March 2017

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

In everything that your association does for the retail industry, we have the interests of our members, and all retailers, as our top priority.  This has been particularly true throughout the Fair Work Commission hearings in relation to Sunday penalty rates, and it remains true as that issue continues towards its conclusion.  First we listen […]

Retailers call for respect for independent umpire, as Labor moves to overrule FWC penalty rates decision

MEDIA RELEASE The National Retail Association (NRA) has warned that Labor’s private members bill, introduced to parliament today to block the Fair Work Commission’s reduction in Sunday penalty rates, sets a dangerous precedent for all independent ruling bodies across the nation. NRA CEO Dominique Lamb said that leveraging political interests to undermine the independence of […]