Online retailing has been a great addition to the retail landscape but the convenience that it offers is something that physical stores are now needing to mimic. There is no denying that online shopping has really transformed retail and many household shopping habits. The biggest advantage of online shopping is clearly convenience. Shopping when you […]
Empowering the next generation store associate
The role of a store associate in the retail environment has never been more important as it is today. In this digital era, where shoppers have constant and immediate access to all kinds of product information, it is your staff who have the power to add real value when engaging with your customers face to […]
Moving from multi-channel to omnichannel retailing
In today’s digital world, it is not uncommon for retailers to trade through multiple channels. It’s almost become a mandatory accessory to have an online store associated to your physical store but at what point can you consider your retail business to be operating through multi-channels or an omnichannel business. The answer is simple. If […]
Retail Doctor Group Launches ‘Fit for Business’ Breakfast
FEATURING GUY RUSSO, CEO OF KMART: ONE OF AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST RETAIL TRANSFORMATIONS Guy Russo, CEO of Kmart will join Brian Walker, CEO & Founder of Retail Doctor Group for an exclusive discussion on the transformation of Kmart into one of the most profitable department store chains in Australia. Retail Doctor Group, with event partner CitiXsys, […]
Growing your loyalty campaign this Christmas season
Loyalty campaigns have become a critical way to embrace your great customers and drive sales. This Christmas retailing season is a great time to kick your loyalty campaigns up a gear. No doubt you will experience increased shopping traffic through your bricks and mortar store as well as online stores for those involved in omni-channel […]