Message from the CEO: 19 September 2017

We would like to take this opportunity to notify our membership that we are farewelling Troy Wild, NRA’s Director, Legal Division, who has been a great support to all of you over the past 12 months.  We thank Troy for his contribution to the NRA and the retail industry and wish him well in his […]

Proposed Changes to VIC Workplace Health and Safety Laws

by Sid Sidhu and Troy Wild,  NRA Legal A new Bill, introduced to Victorian Parliament earlier this month, proposes to amend the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic) (‘the Act’) as well as some other legislation, including the Dangerous Goods Act 1985 (Vic). If passed, the new changes may take effect as soon as […]

Senate Report: Vulnerable Workers’ Bill

Summary by Troy Wild, Director NRA Legal On 9 May, the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee (‘the Committee’) released its report into the Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2017 (‘the Bill’). Read the full report here >> The Committee recommended that the Senate pass the Bill, subject to three substantive recommendations. Recommendation […]

Employer fined $72,000 for exploiting international student

Written by Ben Desir and Troy Wild, NRA Legal Jia Ning Wang, owner and operator of the Fire and Stone Restaurant, has been received a $20,366 penalty, and his company Golden Vision Food and Beverage Services Pty Ltd has been penalised an additional $51,830 after it was found that he deliberately exploited young international students. […]

Bankruptcy no protection for directors

By Alex Millman and Troy Wild, NRA Legal On 13 April 2017 Judge Hartnett of the Federal Circuit Court handed down her decision in Balemain v Mobilia Manufacturing & Anor, an application for lost remuneration and pecuniary penalties for sham contracting. The application named both the employer company and the individual director, Mr Bedros Bahar, […]

Message from the CEO: 11 April 2017

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

What a heartbreaking fortnight it has been for so many of you on the east coast of Australia. We have seen family homes, local schools, roads and local businesses decimated in many communities throughout Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. We want to iterate that we are here to assist those of you who’ve been […]

How to pay your employees over the Easter and ANZAC Day periods

Holiday Pay

by Ben Desir and Troy Wild, NRA Legal A number of us are looking forward to the upcoming Easter long weekend and attending ANZAC Day ceremonies. However, for employers, public holidays can be confusing particularly when trying to determine how employees should be paid. The answer depends on whether your employees are working or not. […]

Former VP of Fair Work Commission shares insight with retailers

Graeme Watson Dominique Lamb Troy Wild

This week saw the successful launch of the National Retail Association’s State of the Retail Nation forums, proudly sponsored by REST Industry Super. Retailers from across multiple sectors met to hear from industry professionals and to share insight at breakfast briefings in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney, plus an online webinar. NRA CEO Dominique Lamb led the […]

Employers can compel medical assessment

by Sid Sidhu and Troy Wild, NRA Legal Full Court affirms employer’s right to compel medical assessment Grant v BHP Coal Pty Ltd [2017] FCAFC 42 (10 March 2017) The Full Federal Court has confirmed that employers have the right to dismiss an employee should they refuse to attend a medical appointment to assess their […]

Rushed redundancies fall flat


by Meaghan Spencer and Troy Wild, NRA Legal Staples Australia Pty Ltd has come under fire after Fair Work Commissioner Ian Cambridge determined that the company had an “unduly hasty and largely tokenistic” approach to meeting its redundancy obligations. In July last year, Staples tried to address a one million dollar budget over-run by making […]

NRA welcomes Troy Wild to the team

It is with great pleasure that I welcome Troy Wild to the National Retail Association as Director, Legal Division, and Principal of our in-house law firm, NRA Legal.  Troy joins us with an extensive background in industrial relations and employment law, as well as 13 years’ experience gained as a Criminal Investigative Police Officer. Troy […]