Many organisations are investing in education to ensure their managers and leaders have the skills to lead their teams and future workforce effectively. Join us for the first workshop – Effective Communication – on May 9th at NRA Head Office, suitable for store managers or any retailer leading and working with teams. This workshop focuses on: Having […]
NRA delighted to support new apprentices program
The NRA is delighted to announce that it is partnering with employment organisation BUSY At Work to deliver a new apprentice program called Industry Specialist Mentoring for Australian Apprentices (ISMAA) that will support over 40,000 apprentices nationwide. This will include intensive support to retail apprentices and trainees in the first two years of training in […]
New employment incentives
The Queensland Government has announced additional employer incentives for employers. 1 January, the Government is offering payments of up to $20,000 for businesses to take on Mature Age Workers, through its Back to Work program Qld Government will be bringing around two of Youth Boost forward. The Honourable Shannon Fentiman said more will be done […]
FINAL CALL: Women’s Leadership Development Scholarship
Women currently working in the retail sector have a final opportunity to register their interest in a scholarship worth up to $8,000 to support participation in an accredited leadership development program. Funding must be apportioned by the end of 2017 and it is unsure when these grants will be available again. Find out more and […]
FREE customer service training
Exceptional customer service is a critical element for any business, continually improving skills to achieve peak levels of performance and sales success. One of the most popular training programs the National Retail Association (NRA) offers is the one day Customer Service workshop. More than 350 employees have participated in this interactive and practical workshop over […]