Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 16 January 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Retailers this week may feel a little like drought-stricken farmers following a drenching, after the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released its retail trade report for November. The nation enjoyed a rather robust jump of 1.2 per cent in total sales to $26.4 billion – three times the market forecast of 0.4 per cent – […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 9 January 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Retailers naturally love a bustling store environment, but following 2017’s frenetic pre-Christmas rush and Boxing Day madness, on the back of what seemed like an entire year of uncertainty, it may be time for a little rest and reboot! 2017 certainly threw us a few curveballs – from the absurd politicisation of the penalty rates […]

Message from the CEO: 1 August 2017

Last week the National Retail Association bid farewell to our office in Woolloongabba for a new headquarters situated in the bustling Inner-Brisbane suburb of Milton. While our old office had served the NRA well, in order for us to continue providing the very best service to our members, we felt the need to move to […]