Message from the CEO: 16 May 2016

More than a quarter of employed young people aged 15 – 24 work in retail, so the announcement of the youth jobs PaTH program in the budget should provide some encouragement for employees to actively engage young people into work. However, there has been some controversy surrounding the program, and it is disappointing to see […]

MEMBER ONLY ARTICLE – Exclusive NORA discount for NRA members

As a valued member of the National Retail Association, we would like to offer you $50 off when booking an event with our industry partners the National Online Retailers Association (NORA). Simply enter the promotional code 47492206 to receive your discount. NORA offers webinars, expeditions and more to educate you as a retailer and keep […]

Think globally, act locally

Late last week, I had the pleasure of attending the Innovation and Investment Summit, part of the Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland Initiative. Throughout the summit, some of the world’s best visionaries in technology and innovation came together to share their insights and empower delegates to harness innovation. Each of the visionaries I had the pleasure […]

Professional development that works for retailers

One of the most popular training programs the NRA has been delivering in recent years has been the one day Customer Service workshop.  High staff turnover and a high casual workforce can make suitable professional development programs for retail staff hard to find. This is why over the past year, the NRA has been offering […]

Marketing, media and analytics are changing…and fast! Are you ready?

At the National Retail Association (NRA) we understand that your business has a range of professional development needs. To help our members meet their training and professional development requirements, we have partnered with the Association for Data-Driven Marketing and Advertising (ADMA) to deliver their marketing education program. We call it the IQ Marketing Education Program […]

NRA launches Foundation Skills for Retail web portal

The National Retail Association (NRA) has launched the Foundation Skills for Retail Web Portal, providing free training and professional development resources for language, literacy and numeracy practitioners operating across the Australian retail industry. The portal has been produced by the NRA with the assistance of funding provided by the Australian Government through the Department of […]

Free* retail training for all part-time and casual employees!

Do you have any staff you would like to upskill? Take advantage of our special offer!  All part-time and casual employees are invited to participate in the following workshops at no cost, that’s right FREE*!  Customer Service Workshop Being a successful retail salesperson is more than just describing products and services. The National Retail Association (NRA) can […]