Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 16 January 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Retailers this week may feel a little like drought-stricken farmers following a drenching, after the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released its retail trade report for November. The nation enjoyed a rather robust jump of 1.2 per cent in total sales to $26.4 billion – three times the market forecast of 0.4 per cent – […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 9 January 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Retailers naturally love a bustling store environment, but following 2017’s frenetic pre-Christmas rush and Boxing Day madness, on the back of what seemed like an entire year of uncertainty, it may be time for a little rest and reboot! 2017 certainly threw us a few curveballs – from the absurd politicisation of the penalty rates […]