Vulnerable Workers Bill amendments: what you need to know

On Tuesday 5 September 2017, the Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2017 was passed with amendments by both houses of Parliament. The Bill was given Royal Assent by the Governor-General on 14 September 2017, becoming an Act (the VW Act) which will re-write parts of the Fair Work Act 2009 (FW Act). In brief, the VW Act: […]

Message from the CEO: 12 September 2017

The retail trade figures for July released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics this week showed that the industry enjoyed a solid start to the financial year.  I’m always aware that these figures vary from state to state and sector to sector, but on the whole it was encouraging to see the 3.5 per cent […]

Message from the CEO: 15 August 2017

Last week the New South Wales State Government announced that retailers across the state will be able to open their doors to trade on Boxing Day. An independent review of the two-year trial that took place in 2015 and 2016 recommended the change and we are pleased that the government has acted on the advice […]

Employment law legislation update

Written by Alex Millman Members will recall from previous news alerts that there are several pieces of legislation amending the Fair Work Act currently waiting for the attention of the Senate before they can become law. Foremost among these is the Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2017, which aims to make franchisors and […]

What to expect in the new financial year

By Alex Millman After a somewhat turbulent final month to the financial year, the time has come for all industries to take stock of what had been going on and what we can expect to see in industrial relations as we go into the new year. Here are just some of the events that you […]

VW Bill to go before Parliament

The Government has announced that it intends to bring the Vulnerable Workers Bill (the Bill) before Parliament in the final sitting of the financial year before going on its winter break. The Bill was passed by the House of Representatives on 11 May 2017. It is now pending approval by the Senate. Typically, Parliament House […]

Message from the CEO: 23 May 2017

As you know, the NRA has been deeply concerned about the proposed Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill since it was introduced to Parliament in March. Our concerns have been amplified after the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee released its report this week, recommending the Federal Government pass the Bill, subject to three significant […]

Senate Report: Vulnerable Workers’ Bill

Summary by Troy Wild, Director NRA Legal On 9 May, the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee (‘the Committee’) released its report into the Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2017 (‘the Bill’). Read the full report here >> The Committee recommended that the Senate pass the Bill, subject to three substantive recommendations. Recommendation […]

Message from the CEO: 11 April 2017

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

What a heartbreaking fortnight it has been for so many of you on the east coast of Australia. We have seen family homes, local schools, roads and local businesses decimated in many communities throughout Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. We want to iterate that we are here to assist those of you who’ve been […]

Message from the CEO: 6 March 2017

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

Last week, the NRA was concerned to hear the Federal Government announce that they would be cracking down on so-called ‘dodgy franchisees’ through the Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2017, which currently sits before the federal parliament. The legislation seeks to make franchisors more responsible for underpayment of employees by franchisees and in […]

Vulnerable Workers’ Bill

MEDIA RELEASE March 1, 2017 Retailers fearful legislation introduced today could spell the end for struggling SMEs The National Retail Association (NRA) has today expressed serious concerns about new provisions in the Vulnerable Workers Bill being introduced to Parliament today, making franchisors responsible for underpayment of labour within their franchisee network, and potentially forcing franchisees […]