What do the 457 Visa changes mean?

By Ian Parker, Migration Agent There’s been a lot of press and hype around the changes to the 457 visa system – so what does it really mean for employers who employ workers on a 457 visa? Background  The original 457 visa required applicants to have a skill on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL). […]

Australia’s work visa corruption allegations

With more than 1 million people working in Australia on temporary work visas, claims are revealing fraudulent visa applications on the black market and exploitation of Australia’s visa regime. The immigration department is currently facing more referred allegations of corruption in the past 12 months than the watchdog has received since 2006. In the past, […]

Introducing Visa Developer

Merchants are increasingly serving connected consumers who want to shop anytime, anywhere and with any device.  With Visa Developer, merchants can create innovative retail experiences and offer a more secure and seamless shopping experience. The recent launch of Visa Developer offers access to some of the most popular Visa products and services, including secure and […]