The NRA frequently invites its members to participate in surveys on important workplace relations matters. As a peak body for the retail and fast food industries, the data helps to inform our advocacy on behalf of our members and industry and will help us to track trends on key workplace relations matters. This Paid Parental […]
Shape your exporting future
The Australian Chamber conducts an annual International Trade Survey to underpin its advocacy efforts in this area and help make Australia a great place to do business. The survey helps the Chamber develop a profile of Australian business engaging in international trade, the benefits they are reaping as well as issues faced. It also informs […]
Opportunity to be involved: Business Services Training Package review
PwC’s Skills for Australia is seeking input from interested employers from the business industry, industry representatives, employees, teachers, trainers, recruiters, students, and others who are passionate about improving Vocational Education Training (VET), and/or would like to provide feedback around industry trends, skills needs and training priorities in the projects outlined below. Business Services projects now commencing: […]
How Adopting Digital Platforms Can Save Your Business
Written by Roubler Companies in difficulty should go on the attack in their corporate strategy, a survey from McKinsey & Company suggests. The survey talked to over 2,100 executives, discussing online platforms and services over the Internet. It seems companies under threat from successful Internet companies would benefit from throwing their all of resources into building […]
Have your say on industry skills needs
SkillsIQ is conducting a national survey to look at workforce and skills issues and gain your feedback. All stakeholders are encouraged to complete the survey and have your say. The data collected will be collated and provided to the relevant Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) and used to inform the development of the 2018 Industry Skills […]
Asbestos Safety Survey
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency is undertaking national research on building a tailored business case template and tool to assist businesses in the safe management and removal of asbestos. Feedback on this issue is extremely important and all information provided is strictly confidential. Your response we will help prepare a template for a business […]
Seeking views on plastic bag ban
Victorian Members: If you are one of our Victorian members, please note that the Victorian State Government is seeking views from the industry and wider community on potentially banning single-use lightweight plastic shopping bags. A number of states have already introduced similar bans (most recently Queensland) and the NRA strongly urges all Victorian retailers to […]
PwC Skills for Australia Research: Share your views
PwC’s Skills for Australia is conducting important research into three cross-sectoral skills areas that have been identified by the Federal Department of Education and Training as being at the forefront of growth and innovation – across multiple industries – in Australia. Input is currently being sought from stakeholders around Australia and from a broad range […]
HAVE YOUR SAY: Pay Protection Bill
The Fair Work (Pay Protection) Bill 2017 (Cth) makes several amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 that, if passed, will have serious implications for employers using Enterprise Agreements approved after 1 January 2010. We are preparing a submission to the Fair Work Commission on the proposed changes. If you currently use an Enterprise Agreement, […]
Parking and its effects on the retail industry
Parking Australia is the national body representing the interests of the parking industry in Australia. The NRA is currently assisting Parking Australia in the successful delivery of the Accredited Operating Scheme (AOS) In order to better understand the impacts of overstay/illegal parking on the retail industry, Parking Australia is conducting a short survey on private […]
Register for the Victorian Small Business Review
Over the next two years, the Victorian Government will examine how regulation is impacting the state’s small businesses in three sectors of the state’s economy, first focusing on Victoria’s retail sector. The Victorian Government is looking at what they can do to cut regulatory burdens for small retail businesses. They want to know what specific […]
North Queensland Region Business Survey
The Queensland Department of State Development and the Department of Education and Training are partnering with the Regional Australia Institute to understand from local businesses, like you, how they can grow the regional economy and create more jobs. This is part of the Townsville and North Queensland Region Pathfinder project which is supported by Townsville […]
Free retail business health check
Technology moves so fast it’s hard to keep up with the latest software and IT solutions. With new accounting software, payment gateways and CRM systems being launched every month, how do you, as a retailer, ensure you are using the best retail management solutions for your business? Our partners at iVend Retail have created a […]
How do noise regulations affect your business?
The Environment Protection Authority of Victoria (EPA) is seeking feedback on noise regulations and how these regulations may impact businesses. We invite members to participate in the EPA survey about the use of its industrial and commercial noise policy and guidelines and how these affect their business. The online survey takes approximately 25 minute to […]
WorkCover Queensland – Small Business Customer Survey
This month, WorkCover Queensland is asking its small businesses customers for feedback on the value they get from having a workers’ compensation policy. WorkCover is conducting a short online survey on this important issue, so if you’ve received a link to the survey you are encouraged to have your say, even if you have never […]