A five-year win for Intrust Super

Intrust Super, the industry superannuation fund for the hospitality and tourism industries, has won Money magazine’s Best of the Best Value Insurance in Superannuation award for the fifth year in a row. Intrust Super’s continued success in this category reflects the quality of insurance it offers in all key areas such as life insurance, total […]

3 days left to pledge a boost to your Super

Did you know that it’s Super Booster day on 15 September 2016? Leading up to this day you’re invited to make a pledge to add a little extra to your super. But it’s not just about boosting your super for one day, it’s thinking about boosting it for the rest of your working life. Your future self […]

Are you Superstream ready?

There are only a few weeks remaining before small businesses must change the way they make their super contributions. Employers with 19 staff or less will need to be “Superstream” ready by the 30 June 2016 deadline. In order for employers to be compliant with Superstream standards, they will need to make their super contributions […]

Use SuperStream to cut super admin by 70%

Did you know that SuperStream is cutting the time small businesses spend on super administration by around 70%? With 2016 on the horizon, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is encouraging small businesses to cross SuperStream off their ‘to-do’ list ahead of the 30 June deadline and reduce time spent on super administration. With only two […]