Retailers back campaign to cut company tax

The National Retail Association (NRA) has today urged Senate crossbenchers to support the federal government’s push to cut company tax, predicting the move would spark an increase in entry-level employment for young people. Legislation is currently before the Senate that seeks to reduce the rate of tax paid by all corporations from 30 per cent […]

Retailers to the Senate – “Stop moving the goalposts on penalty rates”

The National Retail Association has demanded the Senate stop moving the goalposts on employment, saying constant threats of disruption to Fair Work arrangements were a massive disincentive to employment. The Senate is scheduled to vote this week on Labor Party amendments which would knobble the independent umpire Labor set up to management workplace relations under […]

Senate Report: Vulnerable Workers’ Bill

Summary by Troy Wild, Director NRA Legal On 9 May, the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee (‘the Committee’) released its report into the Fair Work Amendment (Protecting Vulnerable Workers) Bill 2017 (‘the Bill’). Read the full report here >> The Committee recommended that the Senate pass the Bill, subject to three substantive recommendations. Recommendation […]

Message from the CEO: 11 April 2017

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

What a heartbreaking fortnight it has been for so many of you on the east coast of Australia. We have seen family homes, local schools, roads and local businesses decimated in many communities throughout Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. We want to iterate that we are here to assist those of you who’ve been […]

Message from the CEO: 4 April 2017

It certainly has been an exciting year so far in workplace relations, and there are a number of items that cannot go unnoticed and should not go unnoticed by our membership. In the last sitting week of federal parliament for March 2017, the Senate voted to block the Fair Work Commission’s decision to reduce Sunday […]

A Message from the CEO: 18 July 2016

The re-elected Turnbull Government has this week shown a dawning awareness of the real challenges confronting the Australian economy, with a number of MPs drawing attention to unemployment and faltering economic conditions, particularly in regional areas. For the retail sector, the difficult trading conditions in some market segments were highlighted by the collapse of two […]

Message from the CEO: 26 April 2016

As the Chairman mentioned in last week’s message, we have farewelled CEO Trevor Evans, who has been preselected to contest a seat at the Federal Election on July 2nd. While the National Retail Association is strictly a non-partisan organisation, we do wish Trevor every success. It is important that we have Federal MPs who understand […]