Message from the CEO: 30 October 2018

dom's ceo column

It’s hard to believe that we are now less than two months away from Christmas. The difference between a good Christmas and a bad Christmas can be crucial to the viability of a retail business. A strong festive season can not only provide a strong injection of profit, but also help a small business weather […]

A Message from the CEO: 25 July 2016

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

The National Retail Association (NRA) welcomes the reappointment of Senator Michaelia Cash as the Minister for Employment in the re-elected Turnbull Government. We view this as a very clear signal that the Government intends to pursue the industrial relations agenda for which it received a mandate at the election. We’ve mentioned previously the importance of […]

Roster Coster reduces the headache of rostering

Today, the National Retail Association (NRA) and Australian technology provider Rision Ltd launched Roster Coster – a free tool to enable NRA members and other retailers and fast food businesses to build and cost award compliant rosters. Rision CEO Kate Cornick said: “At Rision we understand that rostering is complex. You need the right person […]

Message from the CEO: 4th December 2015

As a business owner or manager, you deal on a daily basis with a wide range of expenses – some large and some small, but each one impacting on your bottom line.  And, no doubt you often stop to reflect on the worth of each overhead to your ultimate performance. Membership of an industry association […]

Message from the CEO: 20th November 2015

With only five weeks to go until Christmas, we’re well into the swing of the festive season. Last week, we welcomed the New South Wales Government’s landmark decision to allow retailers across New South Wales to open their doors on one of the biggest trading days of the year – Boxing Day.   Previously, Boxing […]

Message from the CEO: 13th November 2015

We are fast approaching one of the busiest and most rewarding times of the year.   This week, we’ve seen a landmark law passed in New South Wales, with the NSW Government allowing regional businesses to open their doors on Boxing Day, just in time for this year’s Christmas season.   The NRA strongly supported […]