Message from the CEO: 28 November 2016

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

This week will we see the final release of trade data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics before the Christmas and Boxing Day trading period. It should give us a clearer indication of how consumer sentiment is tracking as we move into the most important month of the year for retail.  An analysis released by […]

Message from the CEO: 21 November 2016

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

The Federal Government’s proposed industrial relations changes go before the Senate this week – the culmination of a long-running (and distracting) national debate which has included the double dissolution election in July. Unrest on building sites may seem a long way from the issues that affect NRA members and other retailers, but the impact of […]

A Message from the CEO: 1 August 2016

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

The NRA’s primary goal is to give our members the support and expert advice you need to see your business prosper and grow. And that’s why we have a range of in-house expertise in human resource management, trading hours, product compliance, training, leasing and a number of other areas. As a secondary goal, however, we […]

A Message from the CEO: 25 July 2016

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

The National Retail Association (NRA) welcomes the reappointment of Senator Michaelia Cash as the Minister for Employment in the re-elected Turnbull Government. We view this as a very clear signal that the Government intends to pursue the industrial relations agenda for which it received a mandate at the election. We’ve mentioned previously the importance of […]

Roster Coster reduces the headache of rostering

Today, the National Retail Association (NRA) and Australian technology provider Rision Ltd launched Roster Coster – a free tool to enable NRA members and other retailers and fast food businesses to build and cost award compliant rosters. Rision CEO Kate Cornick said: “At Rision we understand that rostering is complex. You need the right person […]