ASBFEO Releases Small Business Cyber Security Guide

By Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman A Cyber Security Best Practice Guide has been developed to help busy small business operators understand the risks and how to prevent cyber attacks. The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman published the guide after research showed 60 per cent of small firms that experienced a […]

Can I sack somebody for their religious or political views?

By Sid Sidhu and Justine Ansell, NRA Legal Over the past few days, news surrounding the same-sex marriage (SSM) plebiscite has dominated Australian media. Most recently, we have heard the story of 18-year-old Madeline, who was fired after posting her views on SSM to her Facebook profile. Although the sacked employee is yet to make […]

2017 Retail RiskFactor Report

How Retailers Contend with Today’s Prominent Challenges By BDO’s Consumer Business Practice Leaders Alarmist headlines suggest the death of retail, but do retailers themselves share this perception? BDO analysed the 10-K filings of the 100 largest U.S. retailers for their 2017 Retail RiskFactor Report, which found that retailers recognise both narrow and broad obstacles ahead. Among […]

A Few Wise Words from Some Witty Women

Who runs the world? As Beyoncé postulates – girls. We have seen strong women rise to the top of their field, be they the arts, business or politics. The benefit of this go beyond equity and social justice – research from La Trobe University found a positive link between female board membership and financial performance. […]