Making a Break: How likely are you to financially plan for a career break?

Career breaks hit women hardest, reducing average superannuation savings by nearly $160k Media Release: REST Industry Super Women are 30 per cent less likely than men to make any superannuation plans for their career break, despite taking 13 per cent more career breaks by choice After a career break, women returning to work earn 29 […]

3 days left to pledge a boost to your Super

Did you know that it’s Super Booster day on 15 September 2016? Leading up to this day you’re invited to make a pledge to add a little extra to your super. But it’s not just about boosting your super for one day, it’s thinking about boosting it for the rest of your working life. Your future self […]

Are you preparing for retirement?

Most people don’t plan on working forever. And many who do, won’t be able to due to the frailty that comes with age. So by choice or by necessity, at some stage most of us will need an income that is not linked to a job. The age that most of us will have to […]