Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 29 May 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

The old adage, fake it till you make it, tends not to apply to those cheap wares that are undeniably similar to ones from some of the world’s biggest luxury brands. British fashion house Burberry has this week lodged in New York a whopper lawsuit against Target for allegedly selling copycat Burberry wares, after it […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 22 May 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

As many of you are discovering the hard way, Facebook’s seismic algorithm shift in January has left even some of the best-performing retailers in a race to the bottom on their organic reach. Additionally, many retailers are also finding their paid spend has been rising incrementally and consistently in price, but is losing its power […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 15 May 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

The annual post-budget reporting doesn’t seem to change from year to year – the big winners and big losers, what’s in it for you, who thinks it’s magnificent, and who thinks it’s a load of garbage. However, the Budget itself is always different from ones gone before it, including this one, which is the Government’s […]

Creating a Digital Advantage – News Xtend Masterclass

In times of an ever-evolving society, it’s long been predicted that consumer audiences would eventually undertake an evolution when it comes to marketing – specifically, within their advertising needs and the advance of the platforms in which they engage. A natural progression of digital marketing in the media presented both news providers and businesses alike […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 8 May 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Words like relevance and identity have been bandied about NRA headquarters this week like a pack of double-coat Tim Tams, with so many of the big players in the news again. Myer’s still flailing, The Good Guys have lost some serious skin in the electronics category, and Esprit has announced its exiting Australia and New […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 1 May 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

The Meghan Markle Effect has been in full swing for some time, and if you check in with struggling Aussie retailer Oroton, her choice of handbag during a recent outing may have just saved the entire brand from going under. The brand is struggling badly here in Australia and is relatively unknown in the US, […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 24 April 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

The ACTU’s war against employers continues this week, with an outlandish claim that its push for a whopping 7.2 per cent increase to the minimum wage would create 87,000 new jobs over two years. As you know, upping your staff’s wages by $50 per week each is not going to help you create more work […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 17 April 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has upped the ante on its anti-business crusade, unveiling an alarming six-point plan it believes will lift wages. It’s a plan that’s more likely, however, to send businesses broke and cost Australians their jobs. Industry groups, including the NRA, have warned the unions’ bid for industry-wide bargaining and […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 27 March 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Gift cards are back on the agenda this week, with the New South Wales Government’s new legislation to introduce mandatory three-year minimum expiry dates set to kick in this Saturday, March 31. While we were naturally not a great supporter of this move, the NRA’s extensive track record of collaborative consultation with governments on all […]

Congratulating South Australian SALVOS Leaders

Congratulations to our the three South Australian Salvos Stores Area Managers who have successfully completed their Diploma of Retail Leadership last week.   SALVOS Stores Area Managers each have years of management experience within the retail industry. By completing the NRA SALVOS LEAD Program, these are the first of a group of SALVOS Area Managers […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 20 March 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

When you argue for a 0 per cent rise in the minimum wage, you’re likely to attract a fair share of criticism, and over the past seven days, we certainly have. But in making such a controversial submission to the Annual Wage Review last week, we also brought an important conversation to the fore, highlighting […]

Wholesale, Retail and Personal Services IRC Industry Skills Forecast

the retail experience for consumers

The AISC National Industry Insights Report is a collection of information, data and insights for individual industry sectors. It captures industry information about skills, training and employment and the labour market. The resource supports Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) to ensure the design and development of training packages meet the current and future skills needs of […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 13 March 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Spanish fashion and accessories retailer Zara has announced it is launching an online shopping option for Australian consumers from March 14, and is rolling out free delivery (as well as click and collect) and free returns. It’s a move likely to at least rattle the immense market dominance of its online-only Australian competitor, The Iconic, […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 6 March 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Chemist Warehouse’s Jack Gance, Catch CEO Nati Harpaz, The Iconic COO Anna Lee… the list of industry heavyweights sharing their insights into the modern retail landscape during Inside Retail Live 2018’s three-day Melbourne event was staggering. I was honoured to be invited to panel alongside former Myer CEO Bernie Brookes and Blindspots author Bec Brideson […]

2018 Presents New Opportunities and New Directions

Adding facts, such as population CENSUS data, will help define and validate your business roadmap. Maps. We all need maps to know how to get to where we want to go. Who wants to spend hours and hours trying to figure out the best and fastest route to a destination? It’s a waste of time, […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 27 February 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

Actress and businesswoman Kate Hudson has spent the past week in Australia with the female support and entrepreneurship membership group, Business Chicks, where she attracted a sold out crowd at each of her three lunch events in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. The 39-year-old addressed around 5,000 people while she was here, and spent a considerable […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 20 February 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

It is with great pleasure I announce that the NRA Legal team has grown by one, with Lindsay Carroll joining us as Legal Practice Manager. Lindsay brings to NRA Legal significant legal and practical expertise on managing workplace relations strategy and risk. Lindsay started her working life in retail at one of Australia’s biggest discount […]

Technology waging a new war on retail theft

Dominique Lamb was recently featured on RetailBiz as part of a series of monthly columns with the NRA. Here she discusses a topic all retailers deal with—theft—and shares a new initiative that will help retailers report and share information about crime.  Hands up if you’re a retailer who’s never experienced any form of retail crime. Chances are […]

Part 4: Modern Award Series – Categories of employment

retail flowers

If you’ve been following our Modern Award Series, you should by now be certain when a Modern Award will cover your employees, what Modern Award applies and how your employees will be classified under an applicable Modern Award. Following on from Part 3 of this series, it will be necessary to consider in what capacity […]

Retail Panel: Pet humanisation means opportunities for retailers

Every Thursday, our CEO Dominique Lamb, and a panel of retail experts discussed the future of Australia’s grocery industry on ABC Radio. Below are some insights from last Thursday’s discussion. ‘Pet humanisation’ means opportunities for retailers The ‘pet humanisation’ trend is creating a huge growth area for Australian retailers.  Consumers have become more conscious of […]