Message from the CEO: 20 March 2017

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

This week, the Federal Opposition has indicated it will move a private members bill to retrospectively legislate against any cuts to penalty rates, after the independent Fair Work Commission’s ruling of a reduction in five out of the 122 modern awards. While it was an entirely independent decision, made by a Commission who thoroughly examined […]

Message from the CEO: 13 March 2017

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

A fortnight on from the penalty rates decision, the accompanying discourse seems to be taking on a life of its own, and devaluing the lengthy and carefully-considered processes behind the decision from the Fair Work Commission. I’ve been particularly saddened to see this independent decision politicised and brandished as a weapon in the gender equality debate […]

Transition for Sunday penalty rates still undecided

The NRA is dedicated to keeping members informed of any changes that are likely to affect their businesses following the recent penalty rates decision made by the Fair Work Commission. The changes to public holiday penalty rates will take effect on 1 July 2017 and the variation of the early morning and late night loadings […]

Message from the CEO: 27 February 2017

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

As you are all aware, last week Fair Work Commission President Justice Iain Ross handed down the Commission’s verdict on Sunday penalty rates across a range of industries, including retail and fast food. The NRA is supportive of this decision on behalf of our members. However we are concerned by the additional level of red tape […]

Message from the CEO: 30 January 2017

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

The long-awaited decision on weekend penalty rates in the retail and hospitality sectors is right around the corner, however the Federal Opposition has reignited debate this week after saying the ALP would move to change the law on the penalty rates, if the decision is to reduce Sunday overtime to the same rate as Saturday’s. […]

Message from the CEO: 26 September 2016

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

The NRA has this week led a delegation to meet with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison, Employment Minister Michaelia Cash, and Queensland Senator James McGrath, to discuss the Coalition’s second term agenda, and to further expand on ways to reduce regulatory burdens which reduce business profitability, and in turn, the industry’s ability […]

Modern Award review: weekend penalty rate decision

It is anticipated that the Fair Work Commission will make a decision regarding weekend penalty rates by September. Adjustments to weekend penalty rates has been one of several issues flagged as a part of the Commission’s 4 year review of the Modern Awards. A number of submissions and applications have been made by employers and […]

Message from the CEO: 13 June 2016

In last week’s column I expressed some views concerning the recent decision handed down by Fair Work Australia to award a 2.4 per cent increase to the minimum wage. A lot has been written about the margin that was included in this increase on top of the actual rate of inflation. The decision seemed to imply that businesses […]

Locking penalty rates into law will lock out small business

Locking penalty rates into legislation will lock out small business from Sunday trading, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said today. James Pearson, CEO of the Australian Chamber, said: “If the unions have their way, we will soon have a situation where small cafes, restaurants and bars will find it too expensive to open […]

Modern Award Review Developments

The National Retail Association (NRA) has been actively involved in the Fair Work Commission’s four yearly review of Modern Awards. Of key importance to our members is our push to reduce Sunday penalty rates and our opposition to claims by the unions, primarily relating to casual conversion and to increase minimum shift entitlements. Recent developments in […]

Message from the CEO: 18 March 2016

Much has been made of the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ figures showing the nation’s unemployment rate fell from 6 to 5.8 per cent in February (released Thursday), but the unemployment rate doesn’t specifically tend to affect retailers, the number of job vacancies is far more significant, because labour demand has a profound effect on cash […]