What do the 457 Visa changes mean?

By Ian Parker, Migration Agent There’s been a lot of press and hype around the changes to the 457 visa system – so what does it really mean for employers who employ workers on a 457 visa? Background  The original 457 visa required applicants to have a skill on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL). […]

Preparing for a knock at the door

Ian Parker

by Ian Parker, Migration Specialist, NRA Legal “Knock, Knock” One of the oldest jokes alive is the Knock Knock joke. We all know it, and often read books full of them as kids, or least I did anyway. However, as we ourselves get older, and move into the workforce, the idea of a Knock Knock […]

Working Holiday Visa – What you need to know!

The Working Holiday visa program in Australia is a great way for young people aged between 18 and 30 to visit Australia and earn some money while they’re here. It’s quick, easy and cheap to apply for if you’re from one of the countries party to an agreement with Australia. So why does the 417 […]