All Australian employees are entitled to parental leave if they have worked for their employer for a least 12 months: before the date or expected date of birth. Parental leave entitlements may include: • Maternity leave• Paternity and partner leave• Adoption leave• Special maternity leave• A safe job and no safe job leave• A right […]
Do’s and dont’s of online reviews
With reviews at the click of a button, consumers are no longer taking the word of a sales person as gospel. Online reviews can generate brand awareness, upsell customers, build trust and loyalty, however they can also create headaches for business with a few strokes of the keyboard. As a business are you aware of […]
Managing Mental Health in Your Workplace
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2007), one in five Australian adults will experience a mental illness in any given year. With common conditions like depression and anxiety becoming more prevalent in the workplace, businesses are being urged to consider how they manage mental health issues amongst their employees. Besides adhering to the legal […]
IR Update: FWC rules in favour of employee due to manager’s failure to prepare colleague for disciplinary meeting
In a recent case before the Fair Work Commission, a human resources manager has been held responsible for failing to adequately prepare their colleague in the investigation of an employee. The employee, who had provided over 30 years of service to K&S Freighters Pty Ltd, was called to a meeting with the area manager to […]
Amendments to Work Health and Safety Act 2011 come into effect
As part of its commitment to improving safety for Queenslanders at work, the Palaszcuk Government has introduced a number of changes to the State’s work health and safety (WHS) laws. Legislation that was recently passed to restore elements of the original Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld), which were altered following a review of […]