9 benefits of using data to create loyalty

nine benefits data loyalty

by Tim O’Grady, knowITall Loyalty Systems What is the one word that can make all the difference to a loyalty program’s success? Answer: Data…not data for the sake of it, rather data that leads to insights that are actioned for business acceleration. The following data sources gathered through a loyalty program and the combination of […]

9 steps to a profitable loyalty program

loyalty program

Moving from basket case to basket size – the 9 steps to a profitable loyalty program. by Tim O’Grady, KnowitAll Loyalty Systems One of the main objectives of a loyalty program is to motivate members to buy more when they are shopping, what is often termed “increase their basket size”. This is a realistic outcome […]

Are loyalty programs worth the effort?

loyalty systems

by Tim O’Grady, KnowITALL Loyalty Systems Are loyalty programs worth the effort? Let’s examine both sides of the argument… The believers For those businesses who are believers, the reasons they believe are driven by two critical business growth outcomes: More spend by members vs non members (up to 40% more) PLUS More visits by members vs […]

Are loyalty programs worth the effort?

There are only two answers to that question – yes and no. For those businesses who are believers, the reasons they believe are driven by two critical business growth outcomes: More spend by members vs non members (up to 40% more) PLUS More visits by members vs non members (up to 50% more) EQUALS more […]