Teacher held liable as a ‘worker’ for work health and safety breach

By Sooraj Sidhu and Lindsay Carroll, NRA Legal In a rare prosecution of a worker under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) (the Act), the Queensland Magistrates Court has held a school science teacher liable for breaching his duty to take reasonable care for the health and safety of his students. The facts […]

Employer “on notice” for overworking manager

The Victorian Supreme Court found an abattoir business to have breached its duty of care to an employee’s health by requiring them to work 70 hours a week and be on call 24/7. Due to Castricum Brothers Pty Ltd cutting its workforce, Joseph Roussety was promoted to plant manager, increasing his hours gradually from 40 […]

MEMBER ONLY ARTICLE – Inspection program looks at safety in takeaway food outlets

WorkSafe Western Australia is undertaking a proactive inspection program to look at safety issues in takeaway food outlets which will involve inspectors visiting fast food outlets in Perth and regional areas of the State throughout the 2016/17 financial year. WorkSafe Director Joe Attard said the inspection program had been prompted by a significant number of […]

Jobs in Jeopardy Assistance

The Jobs in Jeopardy (JIJ) Assistance program, run by the Australian Government Department of Human Services, provides immediate support to an individual who is employed but at risk of losing their employment due to the impact of their injury, disability or health condition. If you have staff that have been employed for a minimum of […]

Performance meeting ends worker’s comp claim

Lim v Comcare [2016] FCA 709 A worker has attempted to appeal an Administrative Appeals Tribunal decision to dismiss her worker’s compensation claim. The claim had been refused on the basis that her psychiatric injury was partly caused by a poor performance review. The Tribunal found that worker’s injury was excluded from worker’s compensation by […]

MEMBER ONLY ARTICLE – Young Workers at Risk

Young workers have a higher rate of injury in the workplace, according to a factsheet published by the NSW Better Regulation Division. From 2011 to 2014, over 45,000 young workers were injured while at work. This rate may actually be 6 times higher due to young workers underreporting work injuries. This is cause for concern, […]

SafeWork NSW – New video safety alert

In the last five years SafeWork NSW has investigated 21 incidents involving workers being injured whilst unpacking shipping containers.  Three of these workers were killed. SafeWork NSW has just released a new video safety alert Unpacking shipping containers which is aimed at reducing serious injuries and fatalities in the workplace by demonstrating basic controls that […]