How to work out which modern awards apply in your business

Part 1 of our Modern Award Series – How to work out which modern awards apply in your business By Alex Millman and Emma Treherne, NRA Legal With 122 modern awards covering most industries, it can sometimes be a mind-boggling exercise to work out which one applies to your business. The problem is, you can’t […]

Overtime rates for retail and other industries, effective 1 Jan 2018

In July 2017, the Fair Work Commission determined that the: Fast Food Industry Award 2010; General Retail Industry Award 2010; Hair and Beauty Industry Award 2010; Restaurant Industry Award 2010; would be varied to extend overtime loadings to casual employees, not just permanent employees. On Friday 24 November 2017, the Commission decided that this entitlement […]

Casual employees to request permanent position after 12 months

The Fair Work Commission has recently handed down a decision with respect to the status of casual employees in the retail, fast food, and hair and beauty industries. Casual employees in these industries approaching 12 months service (with an employer) may request to be converted to a permanent employee, and the employer must provide the employee with […]

Modern Awards Update Extended

Following the 4 yearly review of the Modern Awards by the Fair Work Commission, a number of changes have been introduced to ensure consistency around annual leave provisions. The affected awards include: General Retail Industry Award 2010 Fast Food Industry Award 2010 Restaurant Industry Award 2010 Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 Hair and Beauty Industry […]