Protect your business with food safety training

Keep your staff, customers and business safe with online Food Safety accreditation If your business serves food in some way, you may have experienced one of ‘those’ moments – a serious burn from the hot fryer, potential illness from incorrectly handled food, or another worrying issue like cross contamination between foodstuffs. Even if you only […]

NSW serves up high standard of food safety

Fast food

by David Stout, NRA Policy & Industry Engagement At the NRA we are committed to ensuring that we are proactively seeking to have an intimate understanding of issues, such as food safety, in order to best advise our members throughout Australia. The Retail and Food Service Industry Group regularly hold information sessions to provide retailers […]

Fast food safety – now even faster!

We are pleased to announce that our new online Food Safety training program is now available. This program is an upgrade of our former program, and has a fresh, new look and feel about it… No classroom attendance is required and you simply complete the course online in the comfort of your home or workplace.  Once […]