Gender equality delivers better business outcomes

Inspiration was served warm and strong at a breakfast seminar for retailers in Brisbane at the end of May.  Two highly respected speakers, Theresa Moltoni, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Queensland, and Dominique Lamb, Director of Legal Services at the National Retail Association, spoke passionately about gender equality in the workplace […]

Blind Hiring – Is your company unconsciously biased when hiring?

Research has identified that organisations are unconsciously discriminating against gender types in the initial stages of hiring employees. In traditional corporate management roles, men are more likely to be hired than women. Whereas in nursing, men are less likely to be considered for the role over women as the role is considered feminine. Although discrimination is […]

NRA staff member highlight – Dominique Lamb

Dominique Lamb is the Director of the NRA’s Legal Division and Principal of NRA Legal. She has extensive experience providing industrial relations and employment law advice to a range of small, medium and large businesses across a range of industries. Dominique brings a level passion and motivation to her role which is hard to find. […]

Adverse action for shifting worker to part-time

This week we look at a recent case where a club was ordered to pay over $415,000 in compensation when they breached multiple IR laws and engaged in adverse action by modifying an employee’s hours from full-time to part-time without mutual consent to avoid extra costs of a worker’s compensation claim. The reduction in hours […]

Dancing CEO’s in the fight against domestic violence

Last Friday night saw Brisbane’s leading CEOs swap the boardroom for the City Hall dance floor to raise funds for Dancing CEO’s, an annual gala event to support Women’s Legal Service and the prevention of domestic violence. The National Retail Association (NRA) was proud to be an event sponsor of Dancing CEOs and support Women’s […]