Message from the CEO: 14 November 2016

Dominique Lamb CEO National Retail Association

First the good news. I declare this column a US election-free zone. There’s plenty of speculation about what it all means for Australia and our economy. I’ll leave that to the “experts”. Much closer to home and, I think, far more relevant to NRA members is the research released by the Commonwealth Bank on Friday, […]

New research a wakeup call for retailers when it comes to price strategy

Commonwealth Bank Retail Insights Report 3

MEDIA RELEASE New research revealed in the Commonwealth Bank’s Retail insights report should act as a wakeup call for retailers when developing pricing strategies, particularly as the industry heads into the busy Christmas and New Year period. The report demonstrates that there is no one-size-fits all approach when it comes to pricing strategies for retailers. […]

Message from the CEO: 4th December 2015

As a business owner or manager, you deal on a daily basis with a wide range of expenses – some large and some small, but each one impacting on your bottom line.  And, no doubt you often stop to reflect on the worth of each overhead to your ultimate performance. Membership of an industry association […]