Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 10 April 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

With Budget 2018 looming large, both corporate and personal tax cuts are firmly on the agenda. While the debate has been raging for some time on cutting the company tax rate for all firms from 30 cents in the dollar to 25 per cent by 2026 – there’s (unsurprisingly) far less furore surrounding the Treasurer’s […]

Message from the CEO, Dominique Lamb: 3 April 2018

CEO Dominique Lamb

How many bags of groceries end up in the bin at your house each year? According to, we throw out a mammoth 20 per cent of the food we buy – around one in five bags. That’s 345kg per household (the weight of three average-sized fridges), at an average cost of well over $1,000 […]

Message from the CEO: 13th November 2015

We are fast approaching one of the busiest and most rewarding times of the year.   This week, we’ve seen a landmark law passed in New South Wales, with the NSW Government allowing regional businesses to open their doors on Boxing Day, just in time for this year’s Christmas season.   The NRA strongly supported […]