Why passive bullying is still bullying

Bullying is a serious issue. It dramatically raises stress levels for the person being bullied and is a major risk factor for developing mental health conditions. Unsurprisingly, beyondblue’s State of Workplace Mental Health in Australia study found 76 per cent of employees said depression and anxiety – the most common forms of mental health conditions […]

beyondblue says Government’s courageous mental health reforms will make it easier for Australians to get help

Chairman of beyondblue Jeff Kennett said today’s announcement by the Turnbull Government is a defining moment for mental health care in Australia and he commends Health Minister Sussan Ley for having the courage to instigate structural reform by dismantling a badly-integrated system in favour of building a regional one that works for people closer to […]

Mentally healthy workplaces rated highly by younger employees

Gen Y, millennials, the internet generation – whatever you call them, younger workers are the future of your business.   And whatever you think of their values and motivations, they are career focused and know what they ideally want to attain. The problem lies in that they’re often not sure how to achieve this.   […]