Employer Facing Significant Operational Costs after Old Agreement Terminated

Written by Victoria Hansen, Senior Workplace Advisor, and Lindsay Carroll, Legal Practice Director In a decision made last week, the Fair Work Commission terminated the collective agreement of a yoghurt shop chain that had been in operation for nearly 14 years. This decision highlights how much of an impact termination of an old instrument can […]

An enterprise agreement was killed by the difference between ‘is’ and ‘was’

NRA Legal employment law

By Alexander Millman and Angela Szczepanski, NRA LegalĀ  National Union of Workers v Sigma Company Limited t/a Sigma Healthcare [2017] FWCFB 3892 Last week, retail pharmacy group Sigma Healthcare took an industrial relations blow when the approval of its Sigma (Berrinba) Enterprise Agreement 2017 on 30 May 2017 was overturned on appeal. The National Union […]