Did you know that 2.4 billion drink containers are used in QLD each year?
Drink containers are also the most commonly littered item after cigarette butts even though most can be recycled.
In response, the Queensland Government will be introducing a Container Refund Scheme this year. Given the substantial changes such a scheme presents to manufacturers, retailers and consumers, the National Retail Association is actively involved in the Container Refund Scheme Advisory Group, aimed at maximising the success of the initiative while minimising disruption to retailers.
The problem with drink containers
- They are the second most commonly littered item (after cigarette butts) with approximately 2.4 billion generated in Queensland alone.
- They pollute the natural environment and litter streets, parks and waterways.
- Nearly all drink containers can be recycled however most end up in landfill, and are not recycled.
What is being done to combat this? 
The introduction of a state-wide scheme will give people an incentive to collect and return containers for recycling, in exchange for a refund payment. This will help to:
- reduce the amount of drink container litter that enters the environment
- increase Queensland’s recycling rate.
How will the Container Refund Scheme work?
Queenslanders will be able to return eligible containers that attract a 10 cent refund via a container refund point. A series of container refund points will be established across Queensland which will collect eligible empty containers in exchange for the payment of a refund. These container refund points may operate on a permanent, temporary or mobile basis.
What are the benefits?
- Reduced litter and plastic pollution in the environment
- All containers receiving a 10 cent refund will need to be recycled resulting in improved recycling and recovery rates
- Increased business and employment opportunities
- Protection of wildlife
- Fundraising opportunities and increased awareness for community organisations charities.
When will the refund scheme start?
Queensland’s Container Refund Scheme will commence on 1 November 2018.
Where can I find more information?
To learn more, please visit the Queensland Government website here.
If you have any questions, or would like to have your say on the Container Refund Scheme, please get in touch with our Industry, Policy and Projects Manager, David Stout, on d.stout@nra.net.au.
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