As you would be aware, over the past few months three presidential-level members have resigned from the Fair Work Commission (FWC).
Vice-President Graeme Watson, Senior Deputy President Matthew O’Callaghan and Senior Deputy President Peter Richards have all resigned or taken early retirement within the last year. The loss of these senior officials has the potential to dramatically affect the balance and perspective of FWC decisions moving forward.
The NRA believes it is important for our members to have their say in who is appointed to the FWC, and to share your opinions with the Turnbull Government on how this body should function in the future.

Have your say
Please share your views on who you would like to see appointed to the FWC, or the background and experience the new appointees would ideally have.
Members’ responses will be presented to the Hon Michaelia Cash, Minister for Employment by the end of March.
To provide us with your views, please email us at by Friday 10 March 2017.